Tuesday 16 April 2013

Group Meeting #7

Everyone is present except Peiyi. We have gathered together and critiqued all our individual tasks from the previous week and also emailed them to Ashleigh so they can all be merged together into a article for the magazine. The task we were assigned was attractions and events around the UK, this being the last activity for information for the magazine. Our next step will be working out the overall design of the magazine using Microsoft Publisher. After our meeting today we won't see each other for two weeks as it is Polytech holidays. Throughout the holidays we will be communicating with each other and finishing the work we critiqued at this meeting. 

Ashleigh - 10 attractions in London
Holly - 5 attractions in Northern Ireland and 4 Sporting attractions
Fiona - 5 attractions in Wales and Scotland
Tresha - 5 attractions in Eire and 6 other attractions
Peiyi - 10 attractions in England (to be confirmed)

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,
    Sounds like you are all on track with your activities and contributing equally to the tasks that have been set. Having a manager in charge and setting goals with deadlines for the group appears to be working. It is obvious that you are all communicating well and adding ideas as you go.

    We have two more guest speakers next term, remember to prepare your resources to share with the class if you have not already done so. Start to investigate how you are going to print your magazine as it will be at your own expense.
    Keep up the good work..
